Another Development and the Third System
Issue no.1985:1 (23) of Development Dialogue focuses on Marc Nerfin’s proposal for a three-Chamber UN which could make global decision-making accountable to the world’s citizens.

Another Development and the World Crisis
Issue no.1984:1-2 (22) of Development Dialogue deals with the impact of world crises on the ideas of Another Development, especially the crucial role of communication.

The Law of the Seed – Another Development and Plant Genetic Resources
Issue no.1983:1-2(21) of Development Dialogue explores how citizens must exercise their right to inform and be informed about development to ensure participation in decision-making processes.

About Understanding – Ideas and Observations on Cross-Cultural Communication by Andreas Fuglesang
Andreas Fuglesang’s book should be read and judged in this context. The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation initiated this work by requesting an updated version of Fuglesang’s popular book Applied Communication in Developing Countries: Ideas and Observations, originally published in 1973. Fortunately, instead of an update, a new book ‘about understanding’ emerged. Thanks to Fuglesang’s extensive Third […]

Another Development with Women
Issue no.1982:1-2 (20) of Development Dialogue features the publication of papers from the 1982 Dakar Seminar on ‘Another Development with Women’.

Towards a New World Information and Communication Order
Issue no.1981:2 (19) of Development Dialogue serves to expand the increasingly heated and often acrimonious debate on the New World Information and Communication Order.

The International Monetary System and the New International Order
Issue no.1980:2 (18) of Development Dialogue features the thinking and discussion around the South-North conference with the same title in Arusha in July, 1980.

Another Development: Perspectives for the ‘Eighties
Issue no.1980:1 (17) of Development Dialogue explores International monetary policy and international development finance, including obstacles to the framework of Another Development in health.

Three Case Studies in Another Development
Issue no.1979:2 (16) of Development Dialogue presents three detailed case studies about India, Peru and Sweden, reflecting different development experiences from around the world.

Development Dialogue 2:1979
Three Case Studies in Another Development: A Struggle for People’s Power: Bhoomi Sena Can Sweden be Shrunk? Nordal Åkerman Towards a new Information Order: Rural Participation in the Peruvian Press: Hélan Jaworski C.