If you are taking part in Almedalsveckan, we hope you will join us and partners at Sverige i Världen, where we will host two events.
Sharing responsibility? UN Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants
Seminar was held in English.
The Global Refugee and Migration Compacts will be the world’s most comprehensive agreements for people on the move. In this seminar, we tap into the insights of those knowledgable about the negotiations and take a closer look at the content of these historic commitments: How will they affect countries and can they make a difference for the people they set out to support?
More people are on the move than ever before: migrants leave for a better future, refugees are forced to flee due to war and persecution. More than 65 million people are forcibly displaced, the highest number on record, and the UN has now placed refugees and migrants at the top of the international agenda. Through the Refugee and Migration Compacts in 2018 the world has a unique opportunity to unite to save lives, protect rights and work towards sustainable solutions.
Watch UNHCR, UNDP and Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation the video and continue counting down to the world’s most comprehensive UN agreements on refugees and migrants.
When: Tuesday 3 July, 10:00-10:45 (Event in English)
Where: Sverige i Världen, Donnersgatan 6
With: Neil Buhne, UN Resident Coordinator in Pakistan
Henrik Nordentoft, Regional Representative for Northern Europe, UNHCR
Efraim Gomez, Head of UN Unit at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Lisa Pelling, Chief Analys at Arena Idé
Moderator: Henrik Hammargren, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Swedish political parties’ views on the role of the UN
Seminar was held in Swedish.
In the lead up to the Swedish elections this fall, we engaged a handful of the biggest Swedish political parties on their views of the UN. We asked for their opinion of the work of the UN system, and about what role they see the UN playing as an international platform.
The discussion focused on the future of the UN: the ongoing work to reform the organisation; its most important tasks; how the UN system should be finances and the role of Sweden in the UN.
When: Monday 2 July 13:00-13:45 (Event in Swedish)
Where: Sverige i Världen, Donnersgatan 6
Organisers: Swedish UN Association, Unicef Sweden, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
With: Emma Nohrén (Mp)
Kerstin Lundgren (C)
Maria Andersson Willner (S)
Sofia Arkelsten (M)
Moderator: Petra Hallebrant, Swedish UNA