
Report Release: Financing the UN Development System 2022

Last week we released the 2022 report on UN financing in partnership with the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office. Read more and watch a video of the event below.

Event details

Date:14 September 2022 – 12 January 2025
Time:09:30 CEST

On 14 September the Foundation in partnership with the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Officereleased Financing the UN Development System: Joint Responsibilities in a World of Disarray (8th edition) with an online event co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions to the UN of Sweden and Jamaica.

‘Let’s be frank, we will get the United Nations that we finance’, said Anna-Karin Eneström Sweden’s Permanent Representative to the UN in New York. Her counterpart, Brian Wallace, the Permanent Representative of Jamaica said that ‘difficulties with concessional and non-concessional funding remains.’

This occasion also celebrated the launch of financingun.report a microsite that will exclusively host the past, current and future reports. It offers interactive figures and graphicsand unique space for sharing future data releases, the latest news and more resources about how the UN financing system works.

Henrik Hammargren and Per Knutsson co-hosted with Jennifer Topping, MTPFO Executive Director. She said; ‘The report is based on all UN sources… it is smart, digestible and (covers) really critical themes like COVID-19 and is evidence-based.Project leads from both organisations were proud to share the space with over 190 participants, with many from several UN Missions and country teams. Homi Kharas, Senior Advisor at the Brookings Institute and contributor closed the session saying; ‘We can’t wait for investment perfection before we make these human development investments’.

Watch the launch video.


Watch the release of the 2022 report

Financing the UN microsite

Explore the report's data

Dive deeper into the report through interactive figures and graphics

To the microsite

Read the reports


Financing the UN Development System: Joint Responsibilities in a World of Disarray 2022

This is the eighth annual report on financing the UN development system produced by the Foundation and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

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