The Youth, Peace and Security Agenda

UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) underscores the need to acknowledge and engage young people as active agents of change. This section lists a number of important milestones in the development of the YPS Agenda.

In August, young people at the Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security in Amman, Jordan, adopt the Amman Youth Declaration (PDF), highlighting what is needed to partner with youth in preventing conflict and building a lasting peace.

In December, the UN Security Council adopts Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, which recognises the contributions of young people in preventing and resolving conflicts and building peace.

In March, The Missing Peace, an independent report commissioned by UN Secretary-General António Guterres (and as requested by Resolution 2250) calls on governments and the multilateral system to invest in young people’s capacities, address the structural barriers that limit youth participation in peace and security, and prioritise partnerships and collaborative action with young people themselves.

In June, the UN Security Council adopts S/RES/2419, underscoring the meaningful participation of young people as critical to sustainable peace and advancing the 2030 Agenda and urging stakeholders to facilitate young people’s equal and full participation in peace and decision-making processes at all levels.

In September, the Secretary-General launches Youth 2030: The UN Youth Strategy in an effort to strengthen the UN’s capacity to engage young people.

The UN Security Council adopts S/RES/2535, calling on the protection of young people, the engagement of youth of diverse backgrounds and regular reporting on youth, peace and security.