
Almedalen 2019

The Foundation and partners were pleased to host two events focused on leadership and multilateralism in early July.

In July 2019 the Foundation participated in Sweden’s biggest political week – Almedalsveckan In collaboration with partners we hosted two events at the ‘Sweden in the world’ venue (Sverige i Världen). See the videos below.

The first panel was a part of our ongoing series ‘UN Talks’, co-organised with UNDP Sweden. The topic was, ‘In defense of global norms and values’. The discussion focused on the multitude of global challenges, including climate change, forced displacement, increasing inequalities, intractable conflicts and erosion of democratic values. Panellists discussed the calls for strong efforts to defend and champion multilateral institutions, particularly the United Nations. They also touched on the fact that in countries across the globe there is evidence of growing scepticism toward existing multilateral arrangements, with international norms being questioned, and increasing support for a retreat to bilateral or unilateral action.

Trends toward cooperation

Ulrika Modéer, Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator of UNDP; Henrik Nordentoft, Director of UNHCR Northern European Office; Måns Molander, Sweden and Denmark Director, Human Rights Watch; Anne Poulsen, Head of UN World Food Programme’s Nordic Office; and moderator Per Nordlund, Programme Director, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation discussed: What are the implications of these trends for international cooperation and efforts promoting sustainable development, conflict prevention, humanitarian assistance and human rights? What platforms and strategies can be used to defend global norms and values? Is there a need for new methods and alliances?

Ethics and integrity in international development

During a discussion held in Swedish, panelists Carin Jämtin, Director-General of the Swedish International Development Agency; Erik Lysén, Head of Act (Action by Churches Together), Church of Sweden; and Anne Poulsen, Head of UN World Food Programme’s Nordic Office discussed:What happens when representatives from international organisations act immoral and break the rules?

The panelists along with moderator Henrik Hammargren spoke about the responsibility of maintaining ethics and integrity in the midst of crises and cases of corruption or abuses of power.

This seminar focused on ethical leadership amongst international development stakeholders and trust in them What do these crises mean – especially to all victims who have the right to safety and support. How can we prevent future cases and make the responsible people held accountable?

Series on the international civil service

The Foundation continues to work on questions around leadership and the importance of multilateralism in today’s world. Read recent publications on ‘Restoring the Values and Spirit of the International Civil Service‘ and ‘Courage and Integrity in UN Leadership’. Stay tuned for more in this series celebrating 100 years of international civil service.
