
Civil Society input to peacebuilding and UN Peace Operations

During March 11-13 the DHF co-hosted a series of events in New York that facilitated civil society representatives from Africa, Asia and Latin America to provide input to the UN Peace Operations Review and the UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review. These events were organised by members of the NGO Peacebuilding Group in New York together with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).

A preparatory workshop hosted at Quaker House allowed participants to learn more about the review processes currently taking place at the UN and to present reflections and experiences from their work on local peacebuilding. The civil society representatives also gave presentations directly to members of the Independent High Level Panel on Peace Operations and to the Advisory Group of Experts on the Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture. Finally, a panel event organised by the International Peace Institute gave the representatives an opportunity to share more about their work supporting peacebuilding efforts in diverse contexts including Burundi, Mali, the Central African Republic, Timor Leste and Guatamala with a public audience.

Following the consultations the civil society representatives together with the NGO Peacebuilding Group in NY generated a written briefing note as input to the two reviews with a summary of the discussions and recommendations to the UN on how to strengthen its peacebuilding efforts in conflict affected countries.

The NGO Peacebuilding Group in NY is a gathering of organisations engaged in various peacebuilding related issues at the UN and in the field that aim to support participation and engagement of civil society at the UN on peacebuilding. Member organisations include the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, the International Peace Institute, Interpeace, PAX, Peace Direct, the Quaker UN Office and World Vision.

