The forum was hosted by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) which took place on 6 to 8 May.
The panel session was moderated by Sigrid Gruener, Programme Director and she shared the platform with Awa Dabo, Director and Deputy Head, United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office, Elina Mariutsa, Policy Officer, Finance for Peace initiative at Interpeace, Frederik Teufel, Lead Coordinator – Partnerships, Innovation, Private Sector Development, Transition States Coordination Office, at the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Kawtar Zerouali, Deputy Director, Nature Assets Team at the United Nations Capital Development Fund.
Some of the critical issues addressed included the importance of finding new approaches and partnerships between development finance actors, the private sector, the United Nations, peacebuilding actors and civil society to design integrated solutions to de-risk investments for investors and communities.
The panel reflected on the discourse on building a peace finance ecosystem and explained how actors can work jointly on creating peace-positive impacts in fragile and conflict-affected countries, outlining examples of innovative approaches. Their discussion centered around the fragmentation of projects and the centrality of the peace-development-humanitarian nexus.
The output from this session will serve as input to the 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR).