UN Financing
Our work in the area of UN Financing enables a thorough look at the funding landscape of the United Nations at the global and country level, increases awareness of good practices and innovative approaches, and contributes to change in funding behaviour.
Being adequately resourced is a pre-requisite for the UN to meet Member State expectations and ambitions agreed in the global agenda. Improving funding quality, predictability, flexibility, and accountability is necessary for effective multilateral responses to the development challenges that countries face.
In that regard, commitments made by the UN and Member States such as the Funding Compact offer a potential framework for changing funding behaviour.
Flagship Publication
Financing the UN Development System
The Financing the United Nations Development System report is a product of a longstanding partnership with the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTFO) and has been produced since 2015. The report focuses on the UN financial data and aims to inform processes around UN reform.
Read more about the report
Operationalisation of the Funding Compact
To support the implementation of the UN Funding Compact, we engage in global and regional dialogues, facilitate country consultations and produce studies in partnership with the UN Development Cooperation Office.
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