Professor Aggestam is professor of Political Science at Lund University, honorary professor at University of Queensland and visiting professor (2016-2018) at Monash University, Australia. Her interdisciplinary research interests include conflict analysis, peacebuilding, gender, negotiation/mediation, hydropolitics, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She is lead author for the International Panel on Social Progress and member of the referee group on UN SCR 1325 at the Folke Bernadotte Academy. She has been scientific coordinator and project leader of an EU-funded research project on just and durable peace; expert for the European Commission, panel member of the European Research Council (ERC), Danish Research Council, Norwegian Research Council and Governing Council of International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), deputy board member of Peace Research Institute in Oslo (PRIO), and vice-president for the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA).
Karin Aggestam
Board member