
Post-2015 Goals for the Rich

Today we release a new publication by the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives. This paper has as a point of departure the understanding that the Post-2015 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) need to be universal. To achieve the defined targets “Common But Differentiated Responsibilities” (CBDRs) need to be applied. This includes special responsibilities for the rich.

Publication details

Title:Post-2015 Goals for the Rich
Type:Seminar Papers

Three of such specific “goals for the rich” are particularly important for sustainable development worldwide. In the list of 17 SDGs proposed by the Open Working Group of the UN General Assembly these are: The goal to reduce inequality within and among countries (goal 10), the goal to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (goal 12), and the goal to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for development (goal 17). It is argued that the Post-2015 Agenda will only succeed if these goals include specific and time-bound targets and commitments for the rich that trigger the necessary regulatory and fiscal policy changes. On the basis of this understanding, the Discussion Paper identifies and advocates specific policies to ensure that the rich contribute what is required to implement the SDGs.

The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation is a member of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives. Constituted at the end of 2010, its first major report was published as Development Dialogue no. 59 in June 2012 – “No Future Without Justice” – and tabled at Rio+20.

Another Discussion Paper was published by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in May 2013: Towards a Framework of Universal Sustainability Goals as Part of a Post-2015 Agenda.

The Group finalised its latest Discussion Paper to be launched at the World Social Forum in Tunis: Goals for the Rich: Indispensable for a Universal Post-2015 Agenda.
