
Another Development with Women

Issue no.1982:1-2 (20) of Development Dialogue features the publication of papers from the 1982 Dakar Seminar on ‘Another Development with Women’.

Publication details

Title:Another Development with Women
Type:Development Dialogue

This double issue of Development Dialogue is largely devoted to the publication of a selection of the papers arising from the 1982 Dakar Seminar on ‘Another Development with Women’. The Seminar was jointly organized by the Association of African Women for Research and Development (AAWORDIAFARD) and the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, and directed by the President of AAWORD, the Senegalese sociologist Marie-Angelique Savane, who, inter alia, serves as Project Leader of the research programme on Food Systems and Society in Africa at UNRISD and who also has behind her a distinguished career as editor-in-chief of the Francophone African journal Famille et Developpement. The selection of the papers represented here has been made with a view to the interests of the global readership of Development Dialogue and therefore features experience gained not only in Africa but also in Asia, Latin America and Europe.

In addition, this issue contains a number of articles on cultural and political developments in Africa which reflect some of the main concerns of the Foundation over the last decade and point to future ones. In this issue of Development Dialogue, you will find a form which, if you wish to remain on our list of subscribers, we would like you to fill in and return to us at your earliest convenience.

