Kristin Blom

Remembering Sven Hamrell

Sven Hamrell, former Executive Director of the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, passed away on 2 July, aged 92.

Almedalen 2019

The Foundation and partners were pleased to host two events focused on leadership and multilateralism in early July.

Sir Brian Urquhart 100 years

The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation conveys its best wishes to Sir Brian Urquhart on the occasion of his 100th birthday on 28 February.

Re-connecting peacebuilders in Amman

Together with Uppsala University, the Foundation recently hosted the second regional gathering of its joint alumni network, this time for members from West- and Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

Financing peacebuilding: Walking the talk

The Foundation participated in the Carnegie PeaceBuilding Conversations in The Hague, in the Netherlands by moderating a session on ‘Financing Sustaining Peace and Peacebuilding – walking the talk of innovation’.

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My UN changes for the better

Like any other organisation, the UN is not ‘perfect’ and has its fair share of shortcomings. This is a moment of re-evaluation.