
Almedalen 2013: Sweden and the post-2015 agenda.

Conversation between representatives of Sweden’s political parties during Almedalen 2013. How do we best capture today’s challenges in a new set of Development Goals? What will Sweden push for and what have we learnt during the years with the Millennium Development Goals? Round-table debate with representatives of Sweden’s political parties.

Event details

Date:5 July 2013
Venue:Almedalen - Sverige i Världen-torget

In the panel debate arranged by UNDP and Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation at Almedalen on 5 July, Swedish priorities for the new global development agenda were discussed by members of the Swedish political parties, including Gunilla Carlsson (M), the Minister for International Development Cooperation. Other panelists were Desirée Pethrus (KD), Hans Linde (V), Kenneth G Forslund (S), Bodil Ceballos (MP), and Gustav Hemming (C).

The panel agreed on the importance of building the new agenda on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with a broader focus to incorporate new challenges such as climate, inequality within countries, and the impact of the new growing economies on the global landscape. Major problems remain to be solved, not the least for women, as MDG three, four and five show the least improvement. Ms. Carlsson emphasized that participation and democracy will be given prominence in the future agenda.

The panel discussed the complexity of development politics and stressed that development is more than just aid: There is a need for a coherent policy for global development including trade and environment. In the discussion on the role of businesses in the new agenda, some participants stressed their importance but pointed out the need for businesses to adhere to regulatory systems. For example, panelists identified financial- and tax evasion as one cause of poverty in many developing countries, and the need for new binding regulations in this area.

The debate ended with a discussion on the need for a genuine global agenda clarifying the role and responsibilities of developed countries. The MDGs have not been applicable to the rich countries, which has contributed to that many resource- and environmental problems remain unresolved

The discussion about the post-2015 development agenda is in full swing. Will the world’s nations be able to reach a consensus about a set of common, strong goals or do we risk a watered-down agenda with goals that few care about? This discussion features representatives of the Swedish political parties, including the Minister for International Development Cooperation. Find out what positions Sweden’s political parties are taking on the major global challenges of today and the new development agenda!


Gunilla Carlsson, Minister for International Development Cooperation (M)

Desirée Pethrus (KD)

Hans Linde (V)

Kenneth G Forslund (S)

Bodil Ceballos (MP)

Gustav Hemming (C).

Moderator: Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute.


