“Every year 47,000 women die because of unsafe abortions, that is 13% of the maternal mortality in the whole world. These women did not have the choice to decide over their bodies and lives”, said Ulrika Karlsson, member of the Swedish parliament.
We invited two speakers from the Swedish parliament: Ulrika Karlsson (moderate party) and Hans Linde (left party), both members of the Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) group in the Swedish parliament.
Both Karlsson and Linde stressed that the rights part is of utmost importance. And to fight to get other nations to realise that this is a question about human rights, however, that seems very difficult.
“Many other nations don’t think this is important enough”, said Hans Linde. “In Sweden, we didn’t use to before either. But to be able to decide what happens to your own body is a questions related to health, democracy and rights”.
This seminar was arranged together with RFSU (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education).