United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 was the first recognition on a global scale of the role that young people have in promoting peace. As the custodian of global normative frameworks, the UN has an important role to play in supporting Member States in the implementation of the resolution.
In May 2020, the UN Secretary-General will complete a report to the Security Council on progress made towards implementation of the resolution. Ahead of this report, it is time to take stock and look at what efforts have been successful in promoting the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda and what challenges remain.
To what extent has Resolution 2250 taken root within the UN system itself? Are young people’s contribution to peace and development being properly recognised, valued and supported in practice? And what methods are various UN entities applying to act on the five pillars of the resolution: participation, protection, prevention, partnership, disengagement and reintegration?
In this seminar, panelists – all members of the Global Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security – shared their experiences from promoting the role of young people through their work, either within or in partnership with the UN system.