
Turning visions into goals – Where is the international process headed?

Global consultations have been held, people’s voices have been heard, numerous papers and reports have been published – but what can we realistically expect as the world’s leaders soon gather in New York to advance the international development agenda beyond 2015?

Event details

Date:12 September 2013

As global challenges mount, so do the expectations on the international community to come together and agree on a responsive framework that accelerates development efforts. There is no shortage of analyses and recommendations on how to move forward and tackle the critical problems of our time. But the big question remains – is there enough political will and courage to forge a new global partnership which is rooted in justice, environmental responsibility, and dignity for all?

This seminar addresses the intergovernmental process on the next development agenda, looking ahead to the upcoming session of the United Nations General Assembly which opens in a few weeks. Analyzing the major pitfalls and opportunities for agreement, the seminar will take stock of the complex landscape of positions, agendas and alliances among the world’s nations and peoples;

  • What outcomes can we expect from the deliberations? What will be most difficult to agree on?
  • What will be required in order to move from visions to action?
  • What are the next steps in the multilateral process and how can member states, civil society and other actors impact?

The seminar will also discuss UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s new report on the next development agenda, “A Life of Dignity for All” as well as other recently released Post-2015/SDG related reports. We will also touch upon the forthcoming report of the MDG Gap Task Force, which monitors global development commitments under MDG 8.


Jose Dallo is the Senior Policy Advisor in UNDP’s Post-2015 team. He is also part of the core post-2015 UN Task Team and the One UN Secretariat on post-2015. Prior to joining UNDP, Jose Dallo worked extensively in developing countries for the Spanish Cooperation Agency and various development NGOs.
Jose’s powerpoint.

Roberto Bissio, Executive director of the Instituto del Tercer Mundo (Third World Institute) and coordinator of the secretariat of Social Watch, an international network of citizen organisations from around the world. A member of the civil society advisory group to the UNDP administrator and a trained journalist, Roberto Bissio has worked in the field of international development since 1973.
Roberto’s powerpoint.

The seminar will be moderated by Monica Lorensson, UNDP and Annika Söder, the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.

The seminar starts at 09:00, breakfast sandwiches will be served at 08.30.

Introduction By Monica Lorensson and Annika Söder – Turning Visions into Goals – Where is the international process headed? from Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation on Vimeo.

Jose Dallo – Turning Visions into Goals – Where is the international process headed? from Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation on Vimeo.

Roberto Bissio – Turning Visions into Goals – Where is the international process headed? from Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation on Vimeo.

Discussion – Turning Visions into Goals – Where is the international process headed? from Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation on Vimeo.

