One lingering challenge for the UN is how best to include and leverage local expertise and capacity in both its peacekeeping and peacebuilding work. In order to create the space and platform for civil society to input into the reviews, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation will, together with members of the NGO Peacebuilding Group in New York, organise consultation meetings for civil society in February and March. These meetings will allow for civil society organisations and local peacebuilders to share with members of the expert panels of the two reviews their perspectives as well as offer concrete suggestions for how the UN might better engage with local actors on the ground.
Topics that will be discussed include:
- Engagement with local communities
- National ownership
- The role of women
- Prevention & peacebuilding
- Human rights & accountability
- Protection of civilians
- Children, youth and peacebuilding
It is envisioned that these meetings will offer an opportunity for meaningful collaboration between the two expert panels and civil society in New York and in the field, facilitate links between the two reviews, as well as help strengthen future interaction between civil society and UN’s peace related mechanisms.