Ensuring Children’s Inclusion in the High-Level Political Forum: Participation and agency to achieve the SDGs
This paper argues that now is an opportune moment to take stock of how the HLPF can work even better for children.
The International Civil Servant in Law and in Fact
A reissue of the lecture delivered by Dag Hammarskjöld at Oxford in May 1961 featuring Hammarskjöld’s original footnotes, a new introduction and a note on the text.
Realising Inclusivity: The role of the United Nations in promoting inclusion at the country level
How do UN Country Teams understand and act on international policy recognition of the importance of social, economic and political inclusion for sustainable peace and development?
Financing Peacebuilding: The Role of Private-Sector Actors
This paper argues for guidance on standards and best practices to ensure that private actors contribute positively to peace, rather than merely avoiding conflict or causing harm.
The International Civil Service: A Reference Compendium for United Nations Personnel
This compendium is designed to serve as a reference point on the laws, regulations, policies and guidelines that relate directly to the international civil service.
Financing the UN Development System: Time to Walk the Talk (2020)
This is the sixth annual report on financing the UN development system produced by the Foundation and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.
Executive Summary: Financing the UN Development System: Time to Walk the Talk (2020)
This is the Executive Summary of the sixth annual report on financing the UN development system, which is produced by the Foundation and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.
Staying the Course: Funding effective UN responses to COVID-19 while protecting the 2030 Agenda
Responses to the pandemic must not only mitigate the immediate threat to global health but also strengthen resilience, prosperity and sustainability.
Turning Points: Defining Moments for the International Civil Service at the United Nations
This paper by Alanna O’Malley explores how certain turning points since 1945 have influenced, both directly and indirectly, the development of the international civil service.
The United Nations: A Champion for Youth?
This paper by Sarah Smith explores how and to what extent the UN promotes the Youth, Peace and Security resolutions and supports the inclusion of youth at the country level.