Each seminar has been taking up a different angle on the theme of the Post-2015. The seminars have been located to Stockholm, Sweden, but have been in English. Videos, photos, podcasts and much more information from these seminars you can find here.
There are eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest.
But what is the next step when the goals run out in 2015? Where do we go from here? Listen to our seminars and hear what our speakers and participants have to say about it.
For further information, please visit www.millenniemalen.nu or www.dhf.uu.se/after-2015.
From New York to Paris: UN efforts to break the climate deadlock
Almedalen 2014: Seminar on post-2015
During the annual week of political discussions in Almedalen (Visby, Sweden) the Foundation participated with several activities, among other a seminar on post-2015. LEARN MORE.
Towards a new development agenda post-2015: Governance, rule of law, human rights and democracy
That good governance, rule of law and human rights play a crucial role for social and economic development has long been recognized. The recognition has gained considerable traction in discussions about the post-2015 agenda, the new global development agenda meant to supersede the Millennium Development Goals. LEARN MORE.
So rich, yet so poor
Margot Wallström, former UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict and Saidou Arji from Publish What You Pay spoke about Natural Resources in the context of the post-2015 agenda. LEARN MORE.
Universal goals and targets for post-2015
As we are quickly approaching 2015 – the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals – and the formulation of the new set of development goals, debates of what targets and indicators to include are multifold. This event was held in Swedish. Here is a summary in English. LEARN MORE.
The youth bulge in a graying world – a demographic challenge?
Today, half of the world’s population is under 25 years of age, while 11% of the world’s population is aged 60 and over. The share of young and elderly will rise significantly by 2030, when the world’s population is estimated to reach 8 billion. LEARN MORE.
Drivers or spoilers – What can we expect from the private sector?
In order to eradicate extreme poverty and ensure lasting and sustainable human development actors from all sectors need to cooperate and contribute. To fulfill the post-2015 vision, new partnerships – especially with the private sector – have been called for by both the High Level Panel and the UN Secretary General. It has however not been clearly formulated how these new partners should play in. LEARN MORE.
Universal goals for national action
A seminar on governance and Rule of Law as the foundation for human development. There is a strong correlation between Rule of Law and the level of development in a society. LEARN MORE.
UN development at a crossroads
UN Development at a Crossroads – what does it take to fix it? This seminar addresses the changing landscape in the world today, the emerging challenges for the UN development system in the future, and a possible way forward through reform. LEARN MORE.
Will the world pay for its vision?
How can we finance sustainable development? The negotiations on priorities and goals for the new development agenda will lead to an important but difficult debate on where the necessary resources should come from. LEARN MORE.
Turning visions into goals
Global consultations have been held, people’s voices have been heard, numerous papers and reports have been published – but what can we realistically expect as the world’s leaders soon gather in New York to advance the international development agenda beyond 2015? LEARN MORE.
Almedalen 2013: Sweden and the post-2015 agenda
Conversation between representatives of Sweden’s political parties during Almedalen 2013. How do we best capture today’s challenges in a new set of Development Goals? What will Sweden push for and what have we learnt during the years with the Millennium Development Goals? Round-table debate with representatives of Sweden’s political parties. LEARN MORE.
Beyond economic growth and global statistics – Measuring real development
What we measure and how we measure it is closely linked with the way we define and interpret development. A major strength of the current MDGs is their conciseness – with time-bound quantitative targets and measurable indicators. At the same time, the MDGs have been criticized for being too simplistic, neglecting social dimensions and inequalities in terms of gender, age, ethnicity and other variables. LEARN MORE.
Toward zero hunger and sustainable food production?
Global food security and nutrition in the post-2015 agenda: Halving the number of people who suffer from hunger by 2015 – the first MDG – is within reach. et, 870 million people are still chronically undernourished in the world. LEARN MORE.
Goals for the rich – Making the next development agenda relevant and aspirational for all
Many people argue that the next set of development goals must be formulated for all countries and not – as the current MDGs – primarily focus on the developing world. With natural systems under severe stress and resource scarcity threatening the right to development of the world’s poor, is it time to devise goals involving the rich? LEARN MORE.